Vertical Voice
The Aaiotanga Trust proudly promotes the Vertical Voice as one of the best and most readable sources of local information for apartment dwellers.
Sent out monthly by email, it is free and easy to receive.
Founded and produced by local Mik Smellie for three years, this much loved publication has now been picked up by another much loved city centre local Antony Phillips!
The Vertical Voice seeks to amplify the residential voices of our city and build a sense of neighbourhood and community in the City Centre.
It features residents voices and grassroots information, local events and other opportunities, relevant to those of us living in apartments locally.
Vertical Voice is funded with contributions from Waitematā Local Board, Department of Internal Affairs and Aaiotanga Trust
- Community Safety
- Art Exhibitions
- Cycling challenge with a difference
- A K’ Rd icon: George Courts Building
- Music in the Parks
- Community building at the library and Auckland Art Gallery
- Colour in the city
- Lighting tips in the apartment
- Anniversary Weekend free events
- Pride Month prep
- Opportunties to Play: outdoors and Mahjong
- Amusement Parks and tunnels
- Spongey Cities and Vertical forests
- Community notices: City centre picnic in Emily Place, Balcony to Bay, Tai Chi classes
- Emily Reserve Summer Picnic
- Tai Chi class intake
- Final week of Neighbours’ month
- Writers’ Festival
- Supporting our urban bee population
- Art classes (clay and painting)
- Along with: Axe throwing, an interesting apartment storage solution and a cool way to recycle your Samsung devices.
- Introducing: Antony Phillips - new VV Editor
- City Mission Foodtogether weekly Fruit and Vege Pop-Up
- Wynyard Crossing Bridge: Update
- Free Soil Saturday
- You’re invited: Te Ara Tukutuku April workshops
- Recipe of the month (from the family recipe books)
- Lime Scooter wardens
- Opera in The Strand
- Repair Cafes popping up in the City Centre
- Kapu Tī with Antony (new monthly column)
- Recipe of the month - Seed Crackers
- Matariki events and art installations
- New feature: Getting Local with Yael Shochat of Ima Cuisine
- Exclusive offering for City Centre locals (starting 27 July)
- Local Gardening: Daldy Street Community Gardens and event invitation
- Composting
- City Centre Heritage
- and so much more!
- Emily Place Workshop - this Wednesday
- Greys Ave - an innovative build
- Te Komititanga
- Young families group
- Festivals & Escalators
- Pride!
- Neighbourhood Schooling
- Buildings that howl uncontrollably
- The Year of the Ox
- Understanding Queen St
- Make your own trousers
- and more...
- Balancing Budgets
- Save Merge Cafe
- "Bags of Beans" - Neighbours Day
- Rooflines & Recycling
- Argus House & the link to Passion Fruit
- and more...
- Local walking tours in May
- New Ukulele & Spanish classes
- Opportunities to express your opinion on neighbourhood trials, proposals and changes
- Scooters
- Tom of Albert Park and other local Elephants
- and the rest...
- Urban Farming - yes here
- Feedback on Freyberg (audio)
- A compass, a lamp, a mural & the law
- Alcohol Licencing
- New Courses - Placemaking & Shiatsu
- Goats of the Neighbourhood
- and the rest...
- Matariki
- Much ado about Pedestrians
- Myers Park Caretakers Cottage
- Markets
- Much needed public space
- Muck munching mussels
- Much more...including things that don't endeavour to start with "m"
- Air Quality
- The Gates of Queens Wharf
- Light Rail & Bus Plans
- Phoenix-Fig hybrids
- HomeGround
- Early morning pea shooting
- the rest...
- Random acts of kindness & tofu
- Local coal-fired power station
- Wanted - local volunteering opportunities
- Bench seats & a mural
- The local sound of music
- a gentle request
- & all the rest within...
- Locals speaking the vertical truth vertically
- Te Ha Noa - the Victoria St Linear Park
- Good Citizens - identification
- Sorting the scooters from the walkers
- City Centre Residents Group - CCRG
- Steepest street in the 'hood
- St James Theatre
- Fishing from your balcony
- and the rest...
- A touch of Spring for Freyberg
- The solution to a wet bench
- Loneliness - a little local research
- Vampires on the balcony
- Support Local
- Midtown - transformation in the wind
- Parking in the Albert Park Tunnels
- & all the rest within...
- Bells a' pealing throughout the neighbourhood
- Artworks galore - Karangahape & Nelson
- Covid & Apartments - zoom this Friday
- Ka Hao Te Rangatahi: The new net goes fishing
- Shopping Locally - good for everyone
- A ram, a cat & a shortage of Birkenstocks
- & all the rest within...
- Neighbourhood waterways
- Good Citizens - definitely lurking among us
- the Call of the Cornely
- Urban Bananas & Mouse City
- a Specialist in Happiness
- the Great Metropolis Tinsel Swizz
- & all the rest within...